Türk Filateli Akademisi

Rahmetli Kaan Ertem’in başlattığı Akademi Dijital Arşivi'mizde yüzlerce makale ve bilimsel tebliğ var. Hakan Yılmaz bu arşive büyük eklemeler yaptı. Bunların tümünü zaman içinde yayımlayacağız. Öncelikle TFDF yayınları, Sergi Kataloglarında, Akademi Yıllık/Bültenlerinde ve TFDF’ye bağlı dernek yayınlarında yer alan makaleleri yüklemeye başladık. Ayrıca birçok filatelist destek veriyor. Cüneyt Gemicioğlu farklı sitelerde yayımladığı birçok makaleyi kullanmamızı uygun gördü. Üyemiz Tobias Zywietz 2015 yılında yayımlanmaya başladığı ve editörlüğünü yaptığı Middle East Philatelic Bulletin (MEPB)'ın tüm sayılarına PDF olarak ulaşmamıza onay verdi. Ayrıca bültende yer alan Türkiye ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile ilgili tüm makalelerin listesini yolladı. Yine üyemiz Turgay Artam yetmişli yıllarda çıkarmaya başladığı Yeni Koleksiyon Dergisinde yer alan makaleleri kullanmamızı uygun gördü. Eski Federasyon başkanı Mahmut Emirmahmutoğlu seksenli yıllarda çıkarmaya başladığı Pul Kültürü dergisindeki tüm makalelerin paylaşılmasını daha önce uygun görmüştü. Tümüne teşekkürler.
PTT yayınlarındaki makaleleri ve akademik tezleri onay alarak paylaşacağız. Ayrıca telif gerektirmeyen, yirminci yüzyılın başlarında yayımlanmış makaleleri de yüklemeye başladık. 2025 başından itibaren yurt dışından da üyelerimiz olmaya başladı. Bu üyelerden de çok sayıda katkı gelecektir. Detaylı araştırmalar, dar kapsamlı konular, filatelimizi ilgilendiren olay ve anılar, kişiler ve projelerimizi ilgilendiren makaleleri seçip yüklüyoruz. Zaman içinde konu başlıklarına göre de düzenleyeceğiz.
Siteyi yaparken Balkanfila News bültenlerini de paylaşmak için bültenin editörü sevgili arkadaşımız ve üyemiz Christos Gikas'a onay için yazdık, verdiği cevapta; "BF Haber Bülteni'nin web sitemizde yer alması bizim için onur olacaktır. Ayrıca, BF Bülteni tüm Üye Federasyonların ortak çalışmasıdır, dolayısıyla herhangi biri izin gerekmez’’ yazdı. Bu görüş Akademi sitesi için de geçerli. Site Osmanlı İmparatorluğu, Orta Doğu, Balkanlar ve Türkiye filatelisinin ortak platformu olarak tasarlanıyor. Sitemiz yalnız Akademi üyelerine değil, bu konuda çalışan akademisyen, filatelist ve meraklı herkes içindir.
Okumak istediğiniz makalenin başlığı üzerine lütfen tıklayınız...
Akan, Fırat Balkan Postal Rates of Turkey, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2021, p3-15.
Akan, Mehmet Ankara Hükümeti Posta Tarihi: Ankara Hükümeti Pul Bastırıyor.
Akan, Mehmet Bilinmeyen Moughamian Freres (Mugamyan Kardeşler) Kartpostal?, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2021, p17-25.
Akan, Mehmet Filatelide Nedret Nedir?
Akan, Mehmet Payas Postası Posta Savaşı, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2017, p13-31.
Akan, Mehmet ve Ertugrul, Jeff The North Star Brigade. London: OPAL, 1985 No. 159.
Akar, Selçuk Basılmamış Pullardan Örnekler, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2021, p27-30.
Akar, Selçuk Uzay Postası, Ankara: TFA E Bülten Nisan-Mayıs 2021, sayı 2, p15-16.
Akçaoğlu, Hakan Karabaşname-i İstanbul: Tombak, 1997 sayı 16, p22-32.
Akduman, Kayhan From the Ankara Government to the Turkish Republic.
Çelebi, Murat İbrahim Rus Filatelisinde Osmanlı Devleti ile Savaşlar, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2021, p31-46.
Çırağan, Behçet 1. Dünya Savaşı'nda Osmanlı Meteoroloji Teşkilatı, Ankara: Yeni Koleksiyon Dergisi, Ocak 1980 sayı: 8, p4-5.
Çırağan, Behçet Türk Filatelisini İlk Yaprakları, Ankara: Yeni Koleksiyon Dergisi, Sayı: 28-30, ŞUBAT 1982, p20-24.
Demir, Tanju Osmanlı İmparatorluğunda Deniz Posta Talımacılığı ve Vapur Kumpanyaları
Ertem, Kaan Bu Pul Pek Makbuldür. Tepe Tepe Kullanın. Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2017, p67-76.
Galinos, Alexandre Common Interest Postal Items between Turkey and Greece, İSTANBUL: Istanbul 2010 Exhibition Catalog, p.44-45.
Galinos, Alexandre Airmail from Constantinople to Bucharest (July-October 1919) / Konstantinopolis'den Bükreş'e Hava Postası (Temmuz-Ekim 1919)
Gemicioğlu, Cüneyt 1929 Londra Baskısı Yeni Harflerle İlk Posta Pulları.
Gemicioğlu, Cüneyt A Lifelong Philatelist: İsmail Hakkı Tevfik Okday.
Güzhan, Saadettin Türkiye Demiryolları Posta Tarihi Seyyar Posta Damgaları, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2017, p83-99.
Karakaş, Ünal 1891-1892 Matbua -IMPRIME- Pullarındaki Gerçeği Bulmaya Yardımcı Olma Teşebbüsü, Pul Kültürü, Yıl: 1, Sayı: 4, 15 Temmuz 1989.
Kazancı, Necati Mekanik Damgalar, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2021, p.63-80.
Kuyaş, Salih Turkish Caucasian Army Post, Ankara: Yeni Koleksiyon Dergisi, Haziran-Eylül 1979, sayı: 5, p4-6.
Özeltürkay, Mahir Kilikya Pulları, Ankara: 2011 Konya Milli Pul Sergisi Kataloğu, 2011
Pabuççuoğlu, M. Bülent T.B.M.M. Ankara Hükümeti Pullarının Kullanıldığı Posta Merkezleri.
Peçi, Bajram The Post Offices in Albanian Cities during the Ottoman Empire, FEPA News No 37, July 2020: 64-66
Pulhan, Ali Nusret Mösyö Beraha'nın Bir Mektubu, İstanbul: Pul Meşheri , 1931 sayı 2, p29.
Sandalcı, Mert M. Ziya AĞAOĞULLARI'nın Osmanlı Dükkan Kartları Koleksiyonu, İstanbul: Türk Pulculuğu Dergisi
Seral, Osman Levend Méssageries Imperiales Maritimes, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2021, p81-116.
Seral, Osman Levend Pictographs in Ottoman Postal Seal, Istanbul: İstanbul 2015 Sergi Kataloğu, PTT Genel Müdürlüğü, p.25-43, Aralık 2015.
Stassinopoulos, George I. Identification Tool for Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire.
Tanyer, Turan Ankara'da Bir Filateli Kulübü ve Ertuğrul Şevket'in Röportajı, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2017, p147-152.
Tanyer, Turan Yapı Pulları, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2017, p133-145.
Tunacı, Atadan British Railway Company Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire in Western Anatolia.
Tunacı, Atadan Osmanlı Demiryolları Posta Tarihi, Emperyalizm’in Osmanlı’ya İlk Girişi.
Turgut, Turhan Takse Pulları Sanılan Takse Pulları!, Ankara: Akademi Yıllığı, 2021, p125-128.
Turgut, Turhan I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Osmanlı Ordusu Sahra Postasının Kuruluş ve İşleyişi.
Turgut, Turhan Osmanlı Posta Düzeninin Ana Hatları. Toplumsal Tarih Dergisi, Eylül 2013.
Turgut, Turhan I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Osmanlı Posta Sansürü.
Turgut, Turhan I. Dünya Savaşı’nda Posta Yoluyla Propaganda.
Turgut, Turhan I. Dünya Savaşında Osmanlı Ordusu Sahra Postası.
Turner, T. Guy, Turner, R. Sydney The First Issue of Turkey, 1863. Some Further Notes. Secret Marks. Forgeries. London, Printed for Private Circulation, 1913.
Yazgan, Serdar Dört Nesil Ayvalık, İstanbul: Efemera Dergisi, Mayıs 2019, no 11, p17-27.
Yurdakul, Doğan 1875 IV. Tip Ayyıldızlı Posta Pulları, Türk Pulculuğu, p8-11.

The Middle East Philatelic Bulletin (MEPB)'nda yer alan Türkiye ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ile ilgili makaleler:
Adjemian, Léon T. A few Words about the Hand-Stamps of Turkey
Adjemian, Léon T. The Postal Hand-Stamps of Turkey before the Existence of Postage Stamps
Arlı, Kamil Fatih Constantinople & Danube Line Of Steamers / T.B. Morton & Co.
Allen Jr., Rod RFI: 1937 Atatürk Block (Souvenir Sheet)
Areksoussi, Chaker Covers from the Sanjak of Alexandretta during the Crisis of 1938/1939
Berkil, Hakan New Ottoman T.P.O. Cancel Discovered: Smyrna–Dinar (İzmir–Geyikli)
Berkil, Hakan The Earliest Ottoman Reply Coupon from Smyrna 1915
Berkil, Hakan Turkey 1897 Overprint Error “Cniq” on Cover
Birken, Andreas Post for Baron Krobatin
Braun, Karl Postal Conditions in Turkey (1875)
Bruining, Folkert An Interesting Prediction : New Postmark Discoveries from the Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa–Dersaʿadet (Svilengrad–İstanbul) Railway (II)
Bruining, Folkert Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) (IV)
Bruining, Folkert Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) Updated
Bruining, Folkert Collecting Educates, that’s for sure! Slate Mining in Veniziani-Gradsko (North Macedonia)
Bruining, Folkert How to Sell a Parable: The Ottoman Post Office Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur)
Bruining, Folkert Kouléli Bourgas of all Places …
Bruining, Folkert Railway Mail Service in Ottoman Europe (IV) : Some Interesting Additions
Bruining, Folkert Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (III) : Railway Stations after the Balkan Wars and First World War
Bruining, Folkert Request for Information: Ottoman Railway Station Postmarks
Bruining, Folkert Request for Information: Pogon Ambulant Post Office – A Rural Postal Service in Ottoman Times?
Buscke, Bernd-Dieter International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912
Daregobian, Aram The Gülnihal: A Turkish Hospital Ship
Döderlein, Leonhard The Austrian Post Office in Çeşme (Tscheschmé)
Elsner, Wolfgang Levantine Discord: The Rejection of the First Stamps of Hatay by Syria and Lebanon
Feuser, Peter B. The Air Defence School (FLAK-Schule) at San Stefano (Yeşilköy)
Fredebold, Volker Constantinople State Printing Office: Postal Newspaper Wrappers for the Postage-Free Dispatch of the Official Newspaper Takvīm-i Vakāyi
Fredebold, Volker İstanbul Postmen’s Delivery Cachets 1913–1929
Fredebold, Volker The Dolmabahçe Imperial Palace Post Office: Saray-ı Hümayun – Palais Impérial
Garton, John P. Constantinople City Post 1869–1882 and Liannos Private Post 1865–1867
Gerzabek, Hubert Gems from the Adolf Passer Collection (I)
Gerzabek, Hubert Gems from the Adolf Passer Collection (II): The Kilis-Provisionals 1921
Gerzabek, Hubert Gems of Ottoman Maritime Mail
Gerzabek, Hubert Local Mail in İstanbul (I): Lianos & Cie.
Gerzabek, Hubert Ottoman Military Mail & Censorship in WWI
Gerzabek, Hubert Ottoman Officers’ Field Post Stamps and Military and Field Post Postmarks
Gerzabek, Hubert Turkey 1917: Ox Head Overprints on Cover
Giray, Kemal Baghdad Provisionals Revisited
Glietsch, Jürgen The Provisional Postmark of the Italian Military Post Office in Smyrna in 1922
Graf, Otto A Thessaly Cover with Surprises
Graf, Otto Emergency Post Cards of Turkey
Graf, Otto On the Use of Turkey’s 1916 Leander’s Tower Postal Card
Graf, Otto Some Remarks about the Ay Yıldız Issue
Graf, Otto The Handling of International Mail by Turkish Censors During World War I (I)
Graf, Otto The Palekura Opium Plantation
Graf, Otto The Turkish Occupation of Thessaly 1897/98: Some Covers and their Background
Graf, Otto Turkey’s Red Crescent Stamps: Regulations Governing their Usage
Graf, Otto Unknown Ottoman Censor Marks: Deurt-Yol and Damascus
Gröger, Hans-Dieter Postage Due Covers from the Turkish-Bulgarian Postal War of 1886 to 1888
Gröger, Hans-Dieter Specialities of Ottoman Philately (I): Foreign Post Office Letters for Inland Destinations
Gröger, Hans-Dieter Specialities of Ottoman Philately (II) – Turkey Duloz 1876: Proofs and Trials for the Unissued 5 and 25 Piastres
Gröger, Hans-Dieter Specialities of Ottoman Philately (III): The 25 Piastres Changeling of the 1876 Empire Issue
Gröger, Hans-Dieter Turkey Coat-of-Arms: Rarities and Varieties
Gröger, Hans-Dieter Turkey Empire 1891: Complete Sheet of the 20 Paras Stamp Overprinted “Imprimé”
Keeda, Peter Julius Bolthausen Covers and Postcards
Klerk, Schalk W. de Walter Mittelholzer’s Balkan Flight 1934
Leimenstoll, Wolfgang International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912
Leimenstoll, Wolfgang International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912
Longbottom, Philip The WWI Censor Seals of the Ottoman Empire
Mellaart, Alan Research Request: The Registered Mail of the Ottoman Empire 1840–1923
Nössig, Tilmann German Post in Turkey: Early Printed Matter Frankings with North-German Stamps 1870/71
Nössig, Tilmann The Postal Connections from Constantinople to Germany until the End of 1871
Okday, İsmail Hakkı Tevfik Postage-Paid Seals of the Ottoman Empire in the Pre-Philatelic Period
Okday, İsmail Hakkı Tevfik The Turkish Post Before the Introduction of Stamps in Lebanon
Pijnenburg, Willy Ay Yıldız: About Stumbling, Tumbling and Leaning Numbers
Pijnenburg, Willy Mayo’s “Chisel”: The Overprint Variety AY with MiNr. 739 (Osmanlı Postaları 1337)
Pijnenburg, Willy New Postmark Discoveries from the Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa–Dersaʿadet (Svilengrad–İstanbul) Railway
Pijnenburg, Willy The İstanbul Provisionals: An Update
Pijnenburg, Willy Turkey 1921/1922: Is there a third Adana overprint series?
Popov, Georgi The Turkish Post in Bulgaria: New Discoveries
Rhein, Martin Société Britannique de Secours aux Blessés Militaires (British Red Cross) in Smyrna in 1878
Richter Ercan O. Pogon Ambulant Post Office: A Rural Postal Service in Ottoman Times?
Rohlfs, Gerhard The Postal Conditions in Tripoli (Libya) in 1879
Rosen, Eric Turkey: Small Tughras Plate Error? “PAPAS” (2pa 1911, MiNr. 180)
Savopoulos Alexandros The Αustrian Post in Thessaloniki During the late Ottoman Period
Schmitz, Ernst J. Archive: The Postal Services in Palestine 1913
Seral, Osman L. The Agony of Quarantine in Smyrna in 1890: İzmir Quarantine Administration 1889
Seral, Osman L. The Ottoman Field Post Office 44
Smith, David K. Bon Samaritain (Khan al-Hathrur) (III)
Soetens, Hans P. International Reply Coupons of Turkey: Greek Occupation of the Island of Lesbos with Mytilene 1912
Soetens, Hans P. Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI - Part I: Negative Censorship Markings
Soetens, Hans P. Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI – Part II: Positive Censorship Markings A–H
Soetens, Hans P. Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI – Part III: Positive Censor Markings İ–Z
Soetens, Hans P. Ottoman Censorship Markings of WWI – Part IV: Insured Letters with Wax Seals
Soetens, Hans P. Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised: Part 1: The 2 Piastres Stamps (1876–1890)
Soetens, Hans P. Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised: Part 2: The 10 Paras Stamps
Soetens, Hans P. Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised: Part 3: The 50 Paras Stamps
Soetens, Hans P. Plate Errors of the Empire Stamps – Passer Revised: Part 4: The 20 Paras Stamps
Sohrne, Björn Request for Information: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia: via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz
Sohrne, Björn RFI: Compagnie Perso-Ottomane de Navigation à Vapeur (S. Atychidès and Th. B. Vahratoglou)
Sohrne, Björn RFI: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz
Sohrne, Björn RFI: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz
Sohrne, Björn The Two Postal Conventions of 1884 and 1892 between Ottoman Turkey and Persia : a Neglected Matter
Taitl, Horst The Austro-Hungarian Medical Corps in Turkey
Tunacı, Atadan British Railway Company Cancellations of the Ottoman Empire in Western Anatolia
Tunacı, Atadan Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (I) – C.O., C.O.S.M., J.S.C.
Tunacı, Atadan Railway Mail Services in Ottoman Europe (II) Ottoman Railway Station Post Offices and TPOs
Tunacı, Atadan The Thessalian Railways
Turkish Postal Administration A Short History of the Turkish Posts
Unger, [?] Maritime and Road Traffic in Constantinople (1875)
Unger, [?] The Turkish Posts
Vliet Oscar van der The Revenue Stamps of Crete – Part A: The Ottoman period 1845–1898
Warnecke, Jens Emergency Measures of the Ottoman Post during the First World War
Warnecke, Jens New Discovery: Gum-side Printing of the 1923 5p Ay Yıldız
Warnecke, Jens Proofs of Turkey’s 1916 Leander’s Tower Postcards
Warnecke, Jens The Red Crescent Exhibition Constantinople 1917
Yılmaz, Hakan A 1915 Cover from Rızā Bey to Enver Paşa
Yılmaz, Hakan A 1919 Letter from Baghdad to İstanbul via London
Yılmaz, Hakan İstanbul Mosques on Ottoman Postcards – Part 1: Ayasofya General Views
Yılmaz, Hakan İstanbul Mosques on Ottoman Postcards – Part 2: Ayasofya
Yılmaz, Hakan İstanbul Views on Ottoman Postcards – Part 1: The Beyazıt Fire-Watch Tower and the Fire Fighters of İstanbul
Yılmaz, Hakan The Dolmabahçe Imperial Palace Post Office: Saray-ı Hümayun – Palais Impérial
Yılmaz, Hakan The WWI Censor Seals of the Ottoman Empire
Yılmaz, Hakan Turkish Occupation of Thessaly 1897/98
Zywietz, Tobias “Filthy beyond Belief” : A Postal Card from Djeddah 1893
Zywietz, Tobias A 1920s Turkish Stamp Album: “ پول البومى ” (pūl albümi)
Zywietz, Tobias A Rare Ottoman Cover from Amman, 1918 with newly discovered Amman Censor Mark
Zywietz, Tobias Ankara 2023 National and International Stamp Exhibition – Results
Zywietz, Tobias Asaf Tanrıkut: Türkiye Posta ve Telgraf ve Telefon tarihi ve teşkilât ve mevzuatı
Zywietz, Tobias Asaf Tanrıkut: Türkiye Posta ve Telgraf ve Telefon tarihi ve teşkilât ve mevzuatı
Zywietz, Tobias Beware the Certificate: Bosnia to Austria Postage Due 1866?
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: The Ottoman Post Offices and Services in Iraq (Kemal Giray)
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: Collecting Hejaz Railway (Martin C. Lovegrove)
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: Der Orient-Express 1883–1914 (Ute & Elmar Dorr)
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: Holy Land: Turkish Post in Palestine 1851–1918 The Itamar Karpovsky Collection
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: Microhistory of the Turkish Posts 1920–2015 – Volume 1: 1920–1950 (Mehmet Akan & Timur Kuran)
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: Ottoman Post Offices and Services in Albania (Kemal Giray & Otto Graf)
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: Post Offices of the Ottoman Empire (M. Bülent Papuççuoğlu)
Zywietz, Tobias Book Review: Turkey Ottoman Empire Military Censorship During World War I 1914–1918 (John Patrick Garton)
Zywietz, Tobias German Consulate in Trabzon: Trade Report 1871 (RFI: Ottoman Postal Route to Persia via Trebizonde, Erzurum, Bayazid, and Tabriz)
Zywietz, Tobias Hejaz Railway Revenue Stamps on a 1916 Quarry Bill
Zywietz, Tobias Holy Land Hotel Cachet: New Hotel Haifa Palestine A. Nassar 1898
Zywietz, Tobias Mr. Scudamore’s Appointment
Zywietz, Tobias Ottoman Censorship Instructions 1914
Zywietz, Tobias Philatelic Literature: Holy Land Postal History digitised
Zywietz, Tobias Prisoners of War at the Ottoman Front during WWI (Giray)
Zywietz, Tobias Queries & Research Notes: Le Timbre Levantin
Zywietz, Tobias Reports from the 1902 Cholera Epidemic in Palestine
Zywietz, Tobias Research Request: “Le Loi sur le Timbre” – Ottoman Fiscal Stamp Law 1893
Zywietz, Tobias RFI: Existence of Postmark Usunca Owa in Bulgaria (Usundsha Ova, Uzundja-ova, Uzundzhovo)
Zywietz, Tobias RFI: Turkish Post operating in Northern Syria (Jinderes, Shayk al-Hadid, Rajo Afrin, Azaz, Marea, Al-Rai, Jarabulus, Tell Abiad, Ras al-Ayn)
Zywietz, Tobias Telephones in Constantinople (but only for the Sultan)
Zywietz, Tobias The 1905 Amendment to the Postal Convention of 1892 Between the Ottoman Empire and Persia
Zywietz, Tobias The Agony of Quarantine in Smyrna in 1890
Zywietz, Tobias The Air Defence School (FLAK-Schule) at San Stefano (Yeşilköy)
Zywietz, Tobias The Joint Telegraph Office at Pera (Ottoman Posts/Eastern Telegraph Co.)
Zywietz, Tobias The Mail Robbery between Jaffa and Jerusalem in March 1912
Zywietz, Tobias The Old General Post Office of Jerusalem on Historical Photographs
Zywietz, Tobias The Old General Post Office of Jerusalem on Historical Photographs – Revisited
Zywietz, Tobias The Oriental Travels of Julius Bolthausen – Part 2: More Bolthausen Picture Post Cards
Zywietz, Tobias The Oriental Travels of Julius Bolthausen – Part 4: Bisecting Austrian Levant Stamps in Caifa 1908
Zywietz, Tobias The Oriental Travels of Julius Bolthausen: The Picture Postcards
Zywietz, Tobias The Ottoman Postmarks Projects – Joint Research by AROS, OPAL, and ONEPS
Zywietz, Tobias The Postal Convention of 1884 Between the Ottoman Empire and Persia
Zywietz, Tobias The Stamps of Alexandretta and Hatay amidst the Conflict
Zywietz, Tobias Turkey 1938 Obligatory Tax Stamps “P.Y.S” (Posta Yardım Sandığı): Where did the Revenues go to?

FEPA News'ta Yayınlanmış Türkiye, Osmanlı İmparatorluğu ve Türk Filatelisi ile ilgili Haber ve Makaleler (2002-2025) (ISSN 2218-516X)
FEPA Medals 24, FEPA News No 46, February 2025: 26 and 76
Arıkan, Arman New Board of the Turkish Philatelic Academy, FEPA News No 38, January 2021: 45
Akan, Mehmet Ankara '23 FEPA News No 44, January 2024: 26
Akan, Mehmet Turkish Philatelic Academy: Postal History Workshop & Philatelic Exhibition, FEPA News No 42, January 2023: 64-65
Turkey Commemorates Healthcare Staff who died from Covid 19, FEPA News No 39, July 2021: 14
FEPA Award For Exceptiobal Study abna Research, 2019, FEPA News No 37, July 2020: 53
Morolli ,Giancarlo FEPA Awards for Exceptional Study and Research 2019, FEPA News No 37, July 2020: 51-53
Ağaoğulları, M. Ziya Turkish Federation organizes ‘virtual’ exhibition to mark the Centenary of the Turkish National Assembly, FEPA News No 37, July 2020: 20
Pachi ,Bajram The Post Offices in Albanian cities during the Ottoman Empire, FEPA News No 37, July 2020: 64-66
Plovdiv Phila 2019 International Exhibition in Bulgaria, FEPA News No 36, January 2020: 36-38
Microhistory of the Turkish Posts, 1920-2015 Volume I, FEPA News No 36, January 2020: 76
Arıkan, Arman KKTC’19 (Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus) National Philatelic Exhibition, FEPA News No 35, June 2019: 22-24
Akan, Mehmet ANKARA 2018 National Philatelic Exhibition “Ephemera in Philately”, FEPA News No 33, June 2018: 15-16
Venice and the Levant - From XIV to XVII Century, FEPA News No 33, June 2018: 74
News from Turkey "Turkish Philatelic Expert Committee", FEPA News No 32, January 2018: 51
Spring STAMPEX 2017 with FEPA Recognition, FEPA News No 30, January 2017: 53
News from Turkey "Elected New Board of the Turkish Federation", FEPA News No 28, January 2016: 54
Arıkan, Arman Gaziantep 2014 Turkish National Philatelic Exhibition, FEPA News No 26, January 2015: 46
Çanakkale 2015 International Stamp Exhibition, FEPA News No 26, January 2015: 57
National Exhibition “50th Anniversary of Turkish Cyprus Post”, FEPA News No 25, June 2014: 10
Introduction of Philately to Youth in Turkey, FEPA News No 25, June 2014: 38
The Turkish Philatelic Federations is 50 Years Old, FEPA News, June 2013: 37
Turkey A Philatelic Exhibition: “From Olympia to Olympics”, FEPA News, June 2013: 38
Konya and Kayseri Turkish National Exhibitions, FEPA News, June 2013: 39
The 5th Meeting of the BALKANFILA Working Group, FEPA News No 16, December 2009: 20-21
New Board of Directors of the Turkish Federation, FEPA News No 16, December 2009: 27
Newly accredited FEPA Jurors, FEPA News No 16, December 2009: 47
The Alexander Collection, FEPA News No 14, December 2008: 97
Minutes of the 3rd Meeting of the Balkanfila Working Group, FEPA News No 13, May 2008: 24-26
New Board of the Turkish Federation, FEPA News No 13, May 2008: 46
Vaz Pereira, Pedro BALKANFILA-2007 The Magic of lstanbul, FEPA News No 12, December 2007: 72-78
Güzhan, Saadettin BALKANIFILA XIV 2007, FEPA News No 12, December 2007: 78-80
Pirc, Igor BALKANS Countries New Regional Working Group in SE Europa, FEPA News No 11, June 2007: 24-25
New Board of the Turkish Philatelic Federation, FEPA News No 09, May 2006: 42